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A study in 2014 found that multiple 60 minute neck massages per week produces better results in the treatment of chronic neck conditions than fewer or shorter treatments.
A 2012 NCCAM study found that a 60 minute weekly Swedish massage for the treatment of osteoporosis of the knee was optimal in producing significant improvement in function and pain reduction.
The effects of massage on posterior shoulder tightness were reported in 2012 following the results of a randomized controlled trial. The study found significant improvements to shoulder movement in the patient group receiving massage treatments.
A 2012 study found that a 10 minute massage may help to reduce inflammation in muscles. As a non-drug therapy, massage holds the potential to help not just athletes but those with inflammation-related chronic conditions.
In a randomized placebo-controlled trial in 2012, which looked at the effect of massage therapy on the immune system of preterm infants, the immunity of the infants receiving massage had increased (natural killer cells) and their weight had increased.
The effect of therapeutic massage on balance, cardiovascular, and nervous system measures in older adults was studied in a randomized controlled trial, the results of which were published in 2012. The study found significant improvements immediately and long term in decreasing blood pressure and increasing postural stability.
A pilot randomised control trial in 2011, to investigate the effect of trigger point pressure on restricted ankle movement, found significant improvements to ankle range of movement.
Published in 2011, the results from a randomized controlled trial found that myofascial release significantly improved the pain, anxiety, quality of sleep, and quality of life in patients with Fibromyalgia.
A 2010 randomized study into the effects of massage therapy on pain, anxiety and tension in patients after cardiac surgery found a decrease in their symptoms.
A 2010 study on the potential benefits of massage on adolescents with burns found that after 5 weeks of treatment, pain, itching and state of anxiety were reduced.
Positive effects of massage therapy on depressed people was the conclusion in 2010 of an analysis of 17 studies.
A 2009 study found that massage decreased the deterioration of natural killer cell activity occurring during radiation therapy and lowered heart rate and systolic blood pressure in women with breast cancer.
A randomized trial in 2009 on the effects of massage therapy after heart surgery found that postoperative blood pressure was lower after massage than those patients given traditional postoperative care.
A randomized controlled study in 2009 found that abdominal massage significantly decreased severity of gastrointestinal symptoms, constipation syndrome and abdominal pain syndrome. The massage group also had increased bowel movements.